Become part of the programme and show your support

The NZCBIA Excellence Awards celebrates excellence in our industry.

Now in its seventh year, the awards are supported by sponsors who are committed to investing in and driving collaboration and partnerships within the industry. If your organisation would like to kindly become one of our recognised sponsors to support the continuing growth of the New Zealand and China building & property industry, let’s get in touch!

Sponsor An Award

We value excellence in every aspect

NZCBIA Excellence Awards acknowledge the excellence of people and organisations who help drive the growth of our industry across the following six categories: Development, Design, Construction, Project Management, Collaboration and Health, Safety and Wellbeing.

We are currently seeking entries from all areas of the industry. Submit your application now!

Enter the Awards

Assessed by industry leaders

We have invited a selected panel of industry leaders to assess and evaluate the NZCBIA Excellence Awards by reviewing both the submitted entries and on-site performance.

Our judges come from a range of backgrounds within the industry, including senior investors, CEOs, engineers, architects and educators.

Meet the Judging Panel